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Bilyana Lavcheva - "Wonder Woman" of the 21st century!

"No one knows how to use your strength until your legs are full." -- Johan Wolfgang Goethe

Very often, in our daily lives, there are people who make such a strong impression on us from the moment we first meet them that we remember them all our lives.

This is also the next guest in the Maat inside you!

This unique lady made an exceptional impression on me as soon as we met.

Bilyana Lavcheva is a fascinating personality. As I got to know her even more, I noticed an amazing and personal synchronicity between virtues, beauty, intelligence, and femininity.

By profession, Bilyana is a lawyer, and for the last 2 years and 4 months, she is also a full time mother job. In her profession, she practices in the field of family law-cases under the law on Protection from Domestic Violence, the Law on the Protection of Children, as well as international cases on increasing the number of alimony payments. Bilyana is the chairman and part of the team of the AME Foundation, which focuses on the rights of women and children who are victims of violence, bullying, discrimination and violations of their rights.

Last year, the foundation's team dealt with various causes and tried in every possible way to help people who were affected by the appearance of the Covid-19 virus.

Bilyana-"we have also focused our efforts on people who have lost a loved one in road accidents, as well as those who have experienced some traumatic event in their lives.

In general, I am an active person, but last year it seemed that I also live on the Internet. I hope that soon everything will return to normal, and we will have the same life again as before."

"Justice does not expect a reward. He takes it for himself. And in the same way, all the virtues."Ciceron

Maat: Did you choose the lawyer profession or did it choose you?

-An interesting question that I never thought of. When I graduated from law school, I didn't know what exactly

I want to do, but I was sure of one thing, namely, that I somehow want to help women and children, and families in general. And everything happened. The first case I took on as a lawyer was under the Domestic Violence Protection Act, and everything went in that direction. At one point, it wasn't enough, and I decided that I could do something more for people who live in violence and bullying, as well as for other people from vulnerable groups in our society. So the idea of the foundation was born.

I've been lucky enough to work with great people and be part of a very resilient and committed team, because it's very important to move things in the right direction. My dream is to finish the protected housing that our foundation purchased last year, and more and more people are turning to us.

Maat: Many people feel embarrassed in their lives because of the pandemic. How did these events affect you? What are your personal conclusions from the situation?

-Like everyone else, the pandemic has affected me, my family, and our work. People have become very vulnerable, very scared and insecure. Many of them lost everything they had, and the state did not have an adequate response to their needs.

My conclusion is that incorrect information can drive you crazy, as can ignorance. Now I understand how necessary it is to rebuild and reform our health care system and how unprepared we are for such a catastrophe as an epidemic.

Many people have searched for us online through the Help and Advice foundation page. In my opinion, there should be more such places where a person will receive psychological help and support.

The sad thing is that people have closed down. The virus seemed to have unleashed an invisible fog in which we were all lost. Masks have become our faces, and unfortunately, the world will never be the same. I hope that we will come out of this, as well as our loved ones.

We must draw two very important conclusions, namely, that life is a privilege, as well as time spent with our loved ones. We need to stop saying there is time and procrastinating, because sometimes there really isn't time.

Maat: Your case has a very serious message. Tell us about it and what are your future goals?

- I hope that this year we will be able to finish housing, which we plan to make a residential care for women who have suffered from domestic violence. A place that we can make a safe haven for women rescued from domestic violence. I would also like to create a foundation center where we can help people and provide various types of counseling and therapy.

I dream that our projects will go beyond Bulgaria and work with foreign organizations that are close to our business and vision. I hope that more people will believe in our cause and mission and participate in the various initiatives that we organize. I hope that people will also understand how big the problem of violence is and how many lives it consumes every year.

I would like us to continue to develop our law firm, of course.

I hope the steps we're taking are in the right direction, and each of these things will happen when it's written. The appearance of the virus has taught me patience, and I hope that sooner or later we will collect the fruits of our labor.

Maat: Do you think there are good enough conditions in Bulgaria for raising a child, given that you are the mother of a young boy? What is your position on this issue?

- Unfortunately no. I think that being a mother in Bulgaria is quite difficult. We do not have an adequate policy in terms of support for families with children and there are not enough places for children to attend. Ever since I had a child, I have seen how unmaintained and dirty the playgrounds are, and walking through some streets with a pram has been an ordeal for me, and I guess for many other mothers.

Health care policy regarding children also needs to change. In all countries of the world during the state of emergency, families with children received help in raising them. This is something that did not happen in Bulgaria.

If we want people to stay here and start families, it is high time we made them feel welcome and not like uninvited guests. Children are our future and I hope that I will not have to make the difficult choice, as many parents do, to look for a better life for my child outside Bulgaria. I hope that politicians will pay more attention to this problem, but we as civil society have a duty to speak up and remind them of the problems. It is only when a problem is spoken about and reminded of that a clear solution is found.

Maat: What does Biljana dream about ?

- First of all I dream that all my friends and family will be healthy. Actually I think that is my biggest dream, the most important thing in everyone's life. I dream of a safer life and a safer world. A world where there is not so much violence. I dream of traveling again and meeting and seeing each other in person, laughing and coming together. I dream of having more occasions that make me smile.

I dream the world I knew will come back. I dream for my child to grow up in a better place to live. I hope all these dreams come true, and I wish it for all my family, friends and your readers and followers.


/American scientist, publicist and famous writer/

"They say that power corrupts, but in reality it is truer to say that power attracts the corrupt. Smart people usually turn to other things, not power."

Maat: Your short message to the readers of How to fight for your causes and how to keep motivated for life and for development?

- My message to your readers is to be yourself. To not let anyone else run their lives and to not give up even when all seems lost. To be able to enjoy the little things, appreciate everything they have and believe that what they want will happen sooner or later. I wish them all fair winds all year and easy sailing with a good crew.

Links to Biliana's performances: ( participation in SCAT tv in July 2020)

From the author: Huge thanks to Biliana for every kind word and gesture to me.

I wish you all the health, love and much success in the fight for freedom and protection of the rights of every person you give a hand to, together with the team of the AME Foundation. Good luck!



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